Nostalgic belt dress_X0048 - Dark brown
. SKUs A0048 title nostalgic belt dress Description of item An eye-catching dress with a retro design. The characteristic large collar and chic colors make it suitable for a wide range of occasions. Recommended for casual dates and girls' night...
Sold Out
Fluffy leaf half jumper skirt set_A0078 - green
. title Fluffy leaf half jumper skirt set Description of item A simple jumper skirt set with a sense of casualness and cleanliness. The simple design and chic colors make it suitable for a wide range of occasions. Recommended for...
Black cat millefeuille collar dress_A0207
. title Black cat millefeuille collar dress Description of item An eye-catching dress with a ribbon-like double collar. Buttons and chic black in a simple design express a neat and clean woman. Recommended for outings such as visiting libraries and...
Cool breeze brooch dress_A0175
. title cool breeze brooch dress Description of item An eye-catching dress with a retro design. You will love it just by wearing it and you will be able to complete your outfit. A piece that makes you want to...
Forget-me-not ribbon dress_A0212
. title Forget-me-not ribbon dress Description of item A dress with a retro girly atmosphere with chic colors. The scalloped collar adds cuteness to the retro design, and just by wearing it, you can create a highly complete outfit. Recommended...
Ball Vestera Dress_A0216
. title Ball Vestera Dress Description of item A dress with a voluminous silhouette that spreads over the hem that tickles the girl's heart. The frills on the collar give an elegant impression, and you can complete a highly complete...
Hanaugi China Dress_A0168
SKUs A0168 title Hanaugi cheongsam dress Description of item An eye-catching dress with a bold design. Chiffon sleeves and lace are delicate and eye-catching. Recommended when you want to wear your own special dress. Color ivory size size Length Sleeve...
White Mist China Dress_A0249
. title white fog cheongsam dress Description of item A nice dress with a European atmosphere and moderate Chinese style. The fluffiness of the skirt and the decoration of the buttons on the chest express a retro atmosphere. Recommended for...
Etrea belt dress_A0300
. title Etrea scarf dress Description of item A dress with a neat and elegant appearance. The soft and natural texture and colors are wonderful, and the scarf and double belt add a gorgeous impression. Recommended for everyday wear with...
British One Piece in the Afternoon_X0117 - red
. title British dress in the afternoon Description of item An eye-catching dress with a bold design. Retro girly and delicate impression. Recommended when you want to wear your own special dress. Color red/green size size Length Sleeve Length chest...
from ¥7,980
Sariyusu Ribbon Dress_A0305
. title Sariyusu Ribbon Dress Description of item A dress characterized by a gorgeous and light atmosphere. Pale colors and antique retro atmosphere. The embroidery on the collar and sleeves adds a retro feel. Recommended for everyday wear with a...
Charme Modern Dress_A0274
. title charme modern dress Description of item A loose and sweet pretty dress. The design in chic colors creates a simple and natural atmosphere. Recommended for everyday wear with a slightly retro literary girl style. Color black/blue Size: Tops...
. タイトル ルリオネのフリルワンピース 商品説明 ふんわり甘め。清楚で可憐なワンピース。デザインが軽やかでエレガントな印象に。丸みを帯びた襟とフリルな袖口がちょっぴりレトロな雰囲気を演出。優雅で華やかなお嬢様風で普段着にもオススメ。 カラー ブルー サイズ サイズ 着丈 袖丈 胸囲 肩幅 (単位:㎝) S 110 25 84 35 Ⅿ 111 26 88 36 L 112 27 92 37 素材構成/特徴/付属品 〈素材構成〉ポリエステル 70-80%〈原産国〉中国〈モデル身長〉165〈モデル着用サイズ〉M 注意事項 ※記載サイズは全て平置き採寸であり、多少の誤差が生じる場合がございます。※海外製品は日本製品と比べて製品基準が甘く、縫製・作りが雑な場合があります。※ご覧になっているモニターやディスプレイ環境により、実際の商品と色味が異なって見える場合がございます。
Water lily petal dress_A0315
. title Water lily petal dress Description of item A dress with a clean image that is loved by everyone. The simple design and chic colors make it suitable for a wide range of occasions. Recommended for short outings and...
Chaton Retro Dress_A0302
. title chaton retro dress Description of item A dress characterized by dignified beauty and a pretty impression. The rounded collar and fluffy silhouette create a classical and gorgeous atmosphere. Recommended for everyday wear with a girly retro atmosphere. Color...
Annabelle's Retro Dress_A0288
Annabelle's retro dress An elegant and lovely dress. Light colors and a retro atmosphere. The rounded design and buttons around the collar add a touch of glamor. Recommended for special outings with a relaxed and elegant lady-like look. Color green...
Kotemari petal dress_A0294
. title Kotemari petal dress Description of item A dress full of gorgeousness and coolness. The beautiful silhouette and sheer fabric create a lovely atmosphere. Recommended for special outings in the style of a young lady who spends a gorgeous...
Sold Out
Ashitaba check dress_A0182
. title Ashitaba check dress Description of item A checkered dress with a girly image. Accented with lace and embroidery tickle the girl's heart. A dress that you will want to wear for outings that are out of the ordinary,...
. タイトル レノワールのリボンワンピース 商品説明 ナチュラルでふんわり可憐なワンピース。落ち着いたワントーンカラーが大人可愛い雰囲気を演出。休日を過ごすフレンチレトロなお嬢様風で普段着にもオススメ。 カラー ブラウン サイズ サイズ 着丈 袖丈 胸囲 肩幅 (単位:㎝) S 111 48 86 35 Ⅿ 113 49 90 36 L 115 50 94 37 素材構成/特徴/付属品 〈素材構成〉ポリエステル 30-40%〈原産国〉中国〈モデル身長〉162〈モデル着用サイズ〉M 注意事項 ※記載サイズは全て平置き採寸であり、多少の誤差が生じる場合がございます。※海外製品は日本製品と比べて製品基準が甘く、縫製・作りが雑な場合があります。※ご覧になっているモニターやディスプレイ環境により、実際の商品と色味が異なって見える場合がございます。
Noel's Cornet Dress_A0313
. title Noel's cornet dress Description of item A lace dress with a girly image. Lace and ribbon accents will tickle your girlish heart. A dress that you will want to wear for outings that are out of the ordinary,...
Rouge China Dress_A0214
. title rouge china dress Description of item A Chinese-style dress with eye-catching China buttons on the chest. Gathered skirt expresses soft femininity. Recommended for special outings such as travel and events. Color red size size Length Sleeve Length chest...
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